How to claim Stargaze airdrop

Airdrop claiming guide

If you are staker of ATOM, OSMO or OSMO Liquidity pools participant, you can pretend on STARS airdrop. Snapshot was taken on Oct 11th, 2021. The minimum requirements for the airdrop eligibility are:

  • ATOM staker: 5 ATOM minimum staked

  • OSMO staker: 50 OSMO minimum staked

Of course, delegations to centralized exchange validators are not considered.

If you meet both of requirements, you will double your airdrop allocation.

How to claim

1. Go to webpage, enter your ATOM or OSMO wallet address, hit "Check" button.

If you are eligible, you will see your allocation.

2. Go to

3. Click "Connect wallet" button at the top right corner. Enter your Keplr password in the extension window appeared.

4. Go to "Mission #1" section and click on "Claim" button. 20% of your allocation will be deposited to your STARS address.

Insufficient fee case

If you claimed your 20% of your allocation successfully, go to step #5. If you faced with insufficient fee Keplr window, ask someone to send some STARS funds to your address (0.1 STARS is enough) or follow the next steps:

Go to decentralized exchange and swap some coin to STARS, e. g. OSMO. How to use, please see the guides in OSMOSIS section at the left pane.

Check your STARS balance at the button of your OSMO wallet. It will be shown as token.

Now you need to withdraw your STARS to your STARS wallet. To do this, go to "Assets" section at the left pane of, find Stargaze row and click on "Withdraw" button.

Click "Max" to withdraw all Stargaze, then click on "Withdraw".

Check your STARS balance in your Sargaze wallet. It is enough for claim and staking fees now.

How to claim airdrop -- continue

5. When Mission #1 for the step #4 is completed, check your Stargaze wallet balance.

6. Go to Mission #2 section and click "Stake" button". You will be redirected to web staking interface. How to stake Stargaze there, please see the following guide:

How to stake Stargaze using Keplr

7. Go to mission #3 section and click on "Vote" button.

How to vote on, please see the following guide:

How to vote on

Missions #4 and # will be open at NFT market launch.

Last updated